Best UK universities for classics & ancient history – league table | Classics and ancient history

1 Oxford 100 n/a n/a n/a 10.4 10 190 7 90 98.8

Satisfied with coursen/a

Satisfied with teachingn/a

Satisfied with feedbackn/a

Student to staff ratio10.4

Spend per student/1010

Average entry tariff190

Value added score/107

Career after 15 months90


2 Cambridge 95.6 n/a n/a n/a 11 10 190 7 85 99.4

Satisfied with coursen/a

Satisfied with teachingn/a

Satisfied with feedbackn/a

Student to staff ratio11

Spend per student/1010

Average entry tariff190

Value added score/107

Career after 15 months85


3 St Andrews 91.6 90.1 93.4 79.5 10.7 5 187 7 n/a 98.5

Satisfied with course90.1

Satisfied with teaching93.4

Satisfied with feedback79.5

Student to staff ratio10.7

Spend per student/105

Average entry tariff187

Value added score/107

Career after 15 monthsn/a


4 Durham 84.6 90.6 94.7 76.8 15.1 4 184 7 87 98.9

Satisfied with course90.6

Satisfied with teaching94.7

Satisfied with feedback76.8

Student to staff ratio15.1

Spend per student/104

Average entry tariff184

Value added score/107

Career after 15 months87


5 Roehampton 80.9 93.3 93.4 87.6 14.1 4 111 8 n/a 97.6

Satisfied with course93.3

Satisfied with teaching93.4

Satisfied with feedback87.6

Student to staff ratio14.1

Spend per student/104

Average entry tariff111

Value added score/108

Career after 15 monthsn/a


6 UCL 75.5 80.4 88.8 73.8 12.3 5 169 8 87 95.3

Satisfied with course80.4

Satisfied with teaching88.8

Satisfied with feedback73.8

Student to staff ratio12.3

Spend per student/105

Average entry tariff169

Value added score/108

Career after 15 months87


7 Warwick 63.6 84.7 90.2 73.2 9.4 4 143 7 78 92.9

Satisfied with course84.7

Satisfied with teaching90.2

Satisfied with feedback73.2

Student to staff ratio9.4

Spend per student/104

Average entry tariff143

Value added score/107

Career after 15 months78


8 Royal Holloway 62.8 83.6 91.8 77.4 13.5 4 127 8 73 96.4

Satisfied with course83.6

Satisfied with teaching91.8

Satisfied with feedback77.4

Student to staff ratio13.5

Spend per student/104

Average entry tariff127

Value added score/108

Career after 15 months73


9 Birmingham 59.7 73.2 88 62.4 11.5 10 147 5 75 97.7

Satisfied with course73.2

Satisfied with teaching88

Satisfied with feedback62.4

Student to staff ratio11.5

Spend per student/1010

Average entry tariff147

Value added score/105

Career after 15 months75


10 Swansea 58.8 93 93 85.2 18.4 5 118 6 78 96.2

Satisfied with course93

Satisfied with teaching93

Satisfied with feedback85.2

Student to staff ratio18.4

Spend per student/105

Average entry tariff118

Value added score/106

Career after 15 months78


11 Glasgow 57.4 91 94.4 64.3 18.2 3 175 3 n/a 97.8

Satisfied with course91

Satisfied with teaching94.4

Satisfied with feedback64.3

Student to staff ratio18.2

Spend per student/103

Average entry tariff175

Value added score/103

Career after 15 monthsn/a


64 courses
12 Newcastle 52.2 84 89.4 66.2 13.3 5 128 6 73 97

Satisfied with course84

Satisfied with teaching89.4

Satisfied with feedback66.2

Student to staff ratio13.3

Spend per student/105

Average entry tariff128

Value added score/106

Career after 15 months73


13 Leeds 50.5 76.2 89.7 66 14.7 6 149 3 80 96.2

Satisfied with course76.2

Satisfied with teaching89.7

Satisfied with feedback66

Student to staff ratio14.7

Spend per student/106

Average entry tariff149

Value added score/103

Career after 15 months80


14 Exeter 50 81.6 89.7 68.3 14.6 2 158 3 72 96.9

Satisfied with course81.6

Satisfied with teaching89.7

Satisfied with feedback68.3

Student to staff ratio14.6

Spend per student/102

Average entry tariff158

Value added score/103

Career after 15 months72


15 King’s College London 49.7 81.5 88 71.7 12.9 6 146 4 66 96

Satisfied with course81.5

Satisfied with teaching88

Satisfied with feedback71.7

Student to staff ratio12.9

Spend per student/106

Average entry tariff146

Value added score/104

Career after 15 months66


16 Reading 47.7 86.8 90.9 74.8 11.9 3 122 4 69 93.6

Satisfied with course86.8

Satisfied with teaching90.9

Satisfied with feedback74.8

Student to staff ratio11.9

Spend per student/103

Average entry tariff122

Value added score/104

Career after 15 months69


17 Leicester 44.1 87.6 89.4 76.2 13.1 4 122 9 n/a 81.8

Satisfied with course87.6

Satisfied with teaching89.4

Satisfied with feedback76.2

Student to staff ratio13.1

Spend per student/104

Average entry tariff122

Value added score/109

Career after 15 monthsn/a


18 Edinburgh 43.4 71.3 86.6 52.7 16.2 6 164 8 57 97.1

Satisfied with course71.3

Satisfied with teaching86.6

Satisfied with feedback52.7

Student to staff ratio16.2

Spend per student/106

Average entry tariff164

Value added score/108

Career after 15 months57


19 Nottingham 40 79.5 90.5 70.1 20.3 4 134 4 77 95.5

Satisfied with course79.5

Satisfied with teaching90.5

Satisfied with feedback70.1

Student to staff ratio20.3

Spend per student/104

Average entry tariff134

Value added score/104

Career after 15 months77


20 Cardiff 38.7 71.2 85 69.4 18.9 4 124 7 72 95.5

Satisfied with course71.2

Satisfied with teaching85

Satisfied with feedback69.4

Student to staff ratio18.9

Spend per student/104

Average entry tariff124

Value added score/107

Career after 15 months72


21 Manchester 35.5 73.3 88.7 66.5 14.2 7 146 3 64 92.1

Satisfied with course73.3

Satisfied with teaching88.7

Satisfied with feedback66.5

Student to staff ratio14.2

Spend per student/107

Average entry tariff146

Value added score/103

Career after 15 months64


22 Bristol 34.9 72.8 86.8 58.1 16.5 3 145 1 74 97.8

Satisfied with course72.8

Satisfied with teaching86.8

Satisfied with feedback58.1

Student to staff ratio16.5

Spend per student/103

Average entry tariff145

Value added score/101

Career after 15 months74


23 Liverpool 29.3 79 90.1 68.6 18 6 138 3 64 92.9

Satisfied with course79

Satisfied with teaching90.1

Satisfied with feedback68.6

Student to staff ratio18

Spend per student/106

Average entry tariff138

Value added score/103

Career after 15 months64


24 Kent 28.2 88.7 91.7 80.9 22.6 3 116 2 63 94.1

Satisfied with course88.7

Satisfied with teaching91.7

Satisfied with feedback80.9

Student to staff ratio22.6

Spend per student/103

Average entry tariff116

Value added score/102

Career after 15 months63


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