University guide 2023: Harper Adams University | University guide

Fees Currently £9,250 for home and EU students or, £1,850 for a placement year. Overseas students pay £11,250 for academic years and £3,300 admin fee for placement year (compulsory on all UG programmes).

Bursaries Multiple philanthropic and industry support scholarships are available via the Harper Adams University Development Trust. A total of £500,000 was awarded to 141 students in 2021-22.

Food industry technical professional apprentices learning in the Harper Adams Food Academy. Photograph: Harper Adams University

Accommodation All university accommodation is university-owned and most first years can expect to get a room. The cheapest accommodation in 2022/23 costs £129.55 per week ( including en-suite, self-catered, cleaning service and internet access). The most expensive rooms cost £171.93 per week (including full board catering, cleaning service and internet access). To view the full range of accommodation go to:

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Accommodation: [email protected]

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